Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 9: A not so good week

My mama always said if ya can't say nothing nice don't say anything at all, so I'm gonna keep this one brief. Well I didn't get to the gym Monday to do the weigh, stupid gym with stupid holiday hours, so I had to wait until Tuesday to see what the damage of the long weekend was on the number. Well there was good news and bad news, the good news was that I lost 4 pounds between Sunday's work out and Tuesday's weigh in. The bad news was that my long weekend in AC then OCMD had me gaining 5 pounds. The number for the week was 290, which is a 1 pound gain. For those of you that are the "half full" types, this can be looked at as an accomplishment. Only gaining one pound over a 4 day weekend isnt all that bad. Since I'm more of a "half empty" guy right now, I see it as a failing. Just because it was a 4 day weekend doesn't make it ok to use it as an excuse to gain weight. Plus I let myself down by drinking over the weekend which I'm doing my best to not beat myself up about. I have my reasons for quitting and 12 weeks should not have been so difficult of a goal to reach, but I let party atmosphere of the shore win Saturday night.

So its back on the horse, umm or the wagon to refocus the effort. Next stupid holiday isnt until Thanksgiving so there are no excuses for awhile. Yeah I know Halloween's in there but I never was a big candy guy so I'll be alright with that one.