Monday, August 10, 2009

300 lbs NEVER MORE

Yup yup you should have been able to guess it from the headline, stepped on the scale for weigh in Monday and it showed up at 299!!! This makes a 5 week total of 23 lbs with still 79 lbs to meet the ultimate goal.

Wow, yeah, I love saying "not 300 lbs anymore!" Happy, is Duff. Now it will be determination that keeps me from every seeing that ugly number again! Obviously, this is not the end to the journey but it was a mini goal to get to this point by week 6. SO we crushed that mini goal and a new mini goal must be set. Gonna give myself another 6 weeks to get to 275, that's the new goal.

I find it hard to believe that I'm starting week 6 of this craziness. I don't want to give the impression that this has been easy, even though the weight has been falling off. I am busting my ass at the gym and working very hard to stay on track with the meals and their portion sizes. I even decide to pass on alcohol for the 12 weeks that I'm doing The Body-For-Life challenge. Went to a wedding this weekend and really could have used a drink since it was the youngest cousin's and I'm the oldest so you can imagine the questions being asked. I always use to joke that I was fittest fat guy anyone knew. It seems I may have been right, I'm up to 40 minutes every other night on the stationary bike, getting around 12-15 miles in each time. I'm leaving a puddle on the floor when I'm done, poor janitor. Gonna test the legs this weekend out in the real world as I tag along with a friend who's gonna run 15 miles, NO NO NO I won't be running you silly folk. I'll be on a bike, hope this humidity breaks til then.

I switched gyms this week as a friend, thanks Laura, gave me a week's free pass to the Body Zone in Wyomissing, and that has lead to some sub par lifting days but it's more because of the lack of familiarity with their layout. It's tough to keep the pace up when your looking for the machine you need. It is definately an upgrade to The Gym in Ktown. Much cleaner and more to offer. Still undecided as to whether I will continue working out there or go back to The Gym. The fact that its closer and cheaper are The Gym's big selling points.