Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quickie Update

Before I left for my beach birthday weekend I weighed myself and intended on writing this here update before I went away. However, that obviously didn't happen and so it is happening now whether you are ready or not.

The weigh in was 266, a 3 pound loss for the week and 13 pound total drop since the beginning of the year. Since I'm still stepping on the scales too often, I was actually a little disappointed because at one point during the week I was at 264. Gotta stop that habit somehow and maybe this weekend will help. You see while I was down in OCMD I did NOTHING, except eat, drink and relax and it was glorious! It was a much needed mini-vacation as the 6 day a week work and workout thing had me worn out. But the side affect of doing what I did down there certainly put some weight back on, I weighed myself when I got home and it was kinda ugly. So now I plan to stay off the scales until next Friday, mostly to avoid feeling guilty about having a fun, relaxing weekend.

I decided to stop lifting last week and strictly focus on the cardio stuff. Swim, bike, run....The Tough Mudder is like six weeks away so I need to focus on getting ready for that. I had what I describe as a breakthrough in the pool last week during my lesson. Coach Warren has been very remindful that I am not looking relaxed in the pool. In my defense, there are a lot of things I am trying to remember to do right in the pool,; how to breath, taking full strokes, the kick....and all that thinking makes relaxing difficult. But somewhere in the middle of the lesson he told me to do the breaststroke for a length. This is a stroke I am pretty good at (please keep laughter to a minimum about what strokes I'm good at) and very comfortable with. When I got to the end of the pool, he said that was the most relaxed I looked in the pool to that point and then made me swim freestyle back but told me to try to duplicate the feeling. It was the best lap I had swam, and by the end of it I didn't have the same exhausted feeling as I had on EVERY lap prior. In fact I swam 4 laps without that "Oh My God, this is so hard" feeling. Hopefully I can continue to strengthen my swimming skills with this little breakthrough.

Since I want to stay off the scale for a few weeks you hear won't from me again for a week and change....peace out!