Monday, December 7, 2009

Week 22: Time to get serious!

First week back on the Body-for-Life program and we jump right back into our old groove! Hopped on the scale at the Body Zone, this is one of those official doctor's office scales, and it showed 267 this evening!!! That is a 4 lb loss for the week and brings my total to 55 lbs.!

4 is a magic number from here on out, I need to average that to get to the 100 lb. goal by my birthday. I've been kind of downplaying the possibility of hitting the "220 by 2/20" goal lately because I knew I still had 50 to lose and only 12 weeks to do it in. Ultimately, the goal is to get to 220 pounds. The date has always been a secondary motivator and originally I thought it was insane. Now I don't know what to think, 4 pounds in the first week back on the BFL program is pretty good start and I know from past experience that 7-10 pound weeks do happen with this workout/diet system. Even this week, I cheated pretty hard Saturday (2 dozen wings and a big burger) but still manage a real good week. So if you see me out and about, give me some more motivation cuz it will take every once of well wishing to push me to this HAPPY ending, no "massage" jokes plz.

I can't describe the inner smile I get when I see the scale dip below those levels I haven't seen in forever. Today, getting into the 260's for the first time in 8 years felt SO GOOD. I mean 267, that number doesn't really sound "fat" anymore. There is a giddiness to the way I feel as I write you tonight. The way I feel at this moment makes me look at the goal as ABSOLUTELY doable and not unlikely, like I have been telling people. There is one of those real special numbers within sight, 251. That is the lowest memorable weight I have been since high school. It occurred around eight years ago when I did the BFL for the first time. The difference that time was that I started in the 270's. Once I crack the 250 wall I may have a perma-smile for awhile, one that my job won't be able to steal. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

A little funny stuff:
Something a little funny has begun to occur more and more often, and it kinda bugs the hell out of me. It bothers me because it goes against the type of personality I have always been. I suddenly can't walk by a mirror without looking at myself. This really does irk me cuz I'm not vain in anyway shape or form. I assume that it is natural when you start to look better that you would look at yourself more. But I mean, c'mon, I check myself out in the bathroom at work. It's just a peek but its getting down-right silly. What is even worse is that since more definition in the arms and legs has been showing up, I'm catching myself flexing a lot too, not necessarily in front of a mirror either. I've done it three time while writing the blog to this point. All I can do is laugh at myself! If you EVER see me out, wearing a tshirt that is a size to small, please punch me in the face, cuz that would mean I crossed some threshhold of dumbassedness that I don't care to ever to pass.

Take care and keep working hard, those of you brave enough to start you own change! See you next week!