Monday, November 23, 2009

Week 20: Sorry for my absence

Where have I been you ask?
First of all I will apologize for not posting these past few weeks. I really don't have a good excuse other than I had nothing to report and I have been busy. The weight has held firm at 270 and I had been hitting the gym on a fairly regular basis. These last few weeks I've been building my dad a shed/workshop at his home and have been working until dark trying to get it done so that I could go back to concentrating on my gym stuff. I won't lie, I missed a number of nites at the gym because I was tired from work and then construction. I did however stick tight to the diet and the six meals program. Well that was until this past week ;)

Week 20's report:
So I finally got a normal full week to get back on the full time horse....oh yeah Thanksgiving is coming. hmmm how we gonna dodge that bullet? We'll think of something, like a fake illness so the family doesn't get pissed at me for not showing. OK got to the gym today, I'm still lifting heavy just trying to build up some mass for that stretch run that is coming. Like I said, I hadn't been showing signs of losing weight but I'm definitely shrinking in all the right places as I can tell by my belt which has been begging for a new hole to be punched into it. I also bought a new pair of pants since I was going out on a date with a hottie and they were another size lower than the pair of jeans we bought a couple of weeks back. Size 40's, that mean the next pair will be those 38's WOOHOOO. So I stepped on the scale this afternoon and I am surprised to see 268, a two pound loss from the last report and a 54 pound total loss to this point!!!

Bad Week/But a fun Week!
This weigh in did come as a pretty big surprise because I DID NOT behave this last week at all. I have recently been offered a job at Deka, now if you don't know I have worked there before and I really didn't like it. Deciding to go back has been a painfully hard decision because working there before has to take some of the blame for my frame of mind (depressed, self-loathing issue) that lead me to giving up on myself and growing into the 300+ tub that started this adventure. I still worry that going back there will eat at my soul but I have a bunch of new things going for me right now that I hope will balance those feelings out. Anyway, since I was set to begin this go around at Deka today (Monday) I decided I was gonna go crazy in Atlantic City. Booked myself a comped room for Wednesday and Thursday nights and hauled on down there for some fun. Played a little 3 card poker right off the bat and walked away with some extra cash, not a bad start although the players on the left AND right of me hit straight flushes which pay 40:1 WHY NOT ME???. Entered a poker tourney at midnight and cashed, so I finish the first night up almost $300. Got up, entered another tourney and cashed again (3rd place) and this is where the profitable stay ended, lol. Ate some $32 mac and cheese at the buffet (ok the whole buffet was $32 but I ate a lot of mac and cheese) then met up with a friend and rocked out at The Borgata's Gypsy bar. Jesus there are hotties all over that place there, lord have mercy! Drank some $7 pints of Sierra Nevada, I should have said drank A LOT of....went to this crazy basement area that was lit up like heaven and it must have been cuz I ate at a joint down there called Fatburger and it might have been the most spectacular burger ever (nevermind the Pale Ale's influence on my taste buds) EVER! Played in another tournament after I checked out, made a huge mistake that probably cost me the cash, but you live and you learn. Then came home. Saturday I had a date, with a woman for you smart asses that feel like cracking wise, with a friend from a long time ago. I had screwed the pooch with this one when we first met and was so happy for a second chance. Went up to her place, was wowed when I met her at the door cuz I think she got hotter! Went to a martini bar called Liquid, highly recommend if in the Stroudsburg area. Had a great time, tried a bunch of food I probably never would have without her coaxing, drank a few (haha few, now thats funny) martinis including one that I'm fairly certain was lighter fluid and a peanut butter and jelly that was crazy good. Did I say I had a great time? Hahaha well to summarize my week I ate a lot of bad food (and fast food) and drank like 1000 times more than I had since I started the project and I had SOOOO much fun, AND to top it all off I lost two pounds!

Ok so after all of that I'm back at it, ran this morning and got to the gym this afternoon. It will be a stretch to get to that mini goal of 259 by next weigh in but I'm not to upset if I dont. I figured a slow down because of the muscle build up. After next Monday's weigh in I plan to go back to the Body For Life workouts for the final 12 weeks of Project Downsize Duff as well as starting another 12 week sobriety stretch to finish the project. Hopefully those higher energy workouts will chisel the last 40 or so pounds off by my birthday!!!