Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Weeks 37 & 38:

Not a lot to say about the diet, I gained a pound over this last three day - holiday weekend. I'm still plagued by the old habit of when I'm bored I go out and when I go out alone, I go out to eat and don't eat well. So as of the weigh in this week we're at 247, 27 pounds away from the goal.

Training for the Tough Mudder is right on track, the last long run I had was a 6.5 miles. So that puts me a 1/2 mile short of the distance that the Mudder is to be covering. Oh yeah did I tell you, because of a bunch retarded hardcore runner types they have decided to make the course more difficult. Seriously, if you wanna kill yourself go train for a triathlon, dorks! I'm trying to get outside more to run so that terrain becomes a factor, but the scenery at the gym is much nicer than the cookie cutter homes and pot holed roads of Fleetwood ;). I have run 2.5 miles outside and I felt just fine after. Did a little mt biking Friday (or Saturday I can't remember which) at Blue Marsh. Rode from the Day Use area to Church Road and back which is about 15 miles round trip. Not to bad for the first time out. It is one of my bigger goals to get the whole 30 mile loop done by the end of the summer, but we'll build up to it each time out. A little bit of bad news I think I broke a toe or two at work last night, they are both an ugly purple color and a bit swollen. But I ran 3 miles today mostly pain free, luckily they are those useless toes that I seem to break at least once a year.

How am I doing otherwise? Up until this past weekend, I was feeling much better. Maybe it is the meds, maybe its that time healed my wound, maybe its the letter I wrote to let out all my feelings and apologies, maybe it is Spring who knows but I really felt good. I was hardly thinking about my thing at all by Thursday of last week. But then Friday came, I went mtb alone, went out to eat alone,....I guess its safe to say I felt kind of alone and I started to think about those things that have been bothering me. Of course that all carries over for most of the weekend and I hardly got any sleep. That has been the worst part of this all is that I don't sleep well, and when I do it is typically because Mr. TylenolPM is helping.

One last cool thing, in case you missed my FB post. Monday of last week I was talking to my Spin instructor and she commented on how trim I was starting to look. Part of it probably was the Large shirt I was wearing rather than my normal XL workout shirts. It really is amazing the effect good fitting clothes have on your appearance. Anyway she asks me what I've been doing , yada yada yada then asks me if I'd be interested in sharing my story with everyone for the next edition of the Body Zone newsletter. Of course my answer was yes as you all know how I have taken to this change and to trying to help others with any advice I can. Unfortunately, the person writing the story had found someone for this next issue but she already told me she plans for me to be in the next issue. It was a very cool moment to say the least!