Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Week 47?

It has been so long since I wrote that I had to actually count what week I'm in, lol. I know I had warned that I was going to cut back on writing but I did not intend on letting it go this long. However, life has gotten busier, prior to this week I had been piling up the overtime hours at work, not because I love making batteries but because fitness ain't cheap. Seriously, you would have thought that if I was saving $4 per pint not consumed that I would have gobs of money saved up by now. But oh contraire mon frere, everything I do that I call "fun" seems to cost more. Example, I have gotten so addicted to this biking thing I felt the need to go shopping for a road bike...low end good bike (something I won't be replacing already next summer) $1500. The entry level carbon fiber bike (so light and so fast), $3000. The government should be subsidizing my efforts, I swear ;P. Been pulling 50+hr work weeks for the past month now and it has made a shambles of my daily routine.

Since I last left you, I have gained some more weight and I am back over 250, 252 to be exact. Besides the extra overtime pinching in on my time, and causing me to use the vending machine at work more than I like, I will admit that I have gotten lazy this past month and I've also have had a few health issues pop up which are now cramping my workouts. Following the Tough Mudder, I needed a break so I gave myself a week off, I did light workouts at the gym but I strayed from the diet. Unfortunately, all the OT started the following week so I didn't get myself back on track with the diet right away. The OT made it impossible to get my 6 meals a day every 3-4 hours in and it in turn made me real hungry when I did get the opportunity to eat. Shortly after starting all the OT I started getting shooting pains in my forearm caused by some elbow tendinitis, so I had to shut down the whole lifting potion of my workout routine (I've only lifted once in the past three weeks). The elbow is kind of essential to just about every lifting movement so the only thing I could do was rest it and hope the inflammation subsided. But then last Tuesday the worst thing occurred, I slammed the back of my head into a metal crossbar at work. The force of the blow dropped me to my knees and I literally saw stars. Since then I've been to the ER twice for CT scans, been diagnose with a mild concussion and post-concussive syndrom. I have an brain MRI scheduled for tomorrow and I must see a neurologist after that. I am plagued by headaches, nausea and a weird feeling of not being able to focus on things. It is the strangest (and frustrating) feeling but things like adding a pile of two digit numbers can be difficult because I seem to forget the last number my brain totaled. So now find myself on light duty at work, bored out of my mind. With that I have been completely shut down from going to the gym. I have been there once since leaving for the beach over Memorial Day weekend and it is driving me insane not being allowed to do anything. What is worse is that I finally got to talk to the cute girl at the gym and now I'm unable to follow up with my incredible charm, and it may be a few weeks until I get back. I don't have any idea how long these symptoms will last but I've been told it isn't unusual for them to last a couple of months. THAT WOULD SUCK.

So for now everything is on hold, I doubt that I will be able to get to 220 by July 4th. Honestly, I just hope I can maintain my current weight until my head clears. I've said before that one of the biggest things I struggle with is boredom, when I am bored I tend to find restaurants and bad foods. These next couple weeks will be challenging to say the least.

This whole concussion thing has also made a mess of my plan to start training for my next great adventure. I got to watch my good pal Niki run a triathlon a couple of weeks back I so think that I can do a tri. My intention was to enter one in late August but now I can only wait and see how my brain heals. I won't bite off more than I can chew and I will settle for a "Sprint" tri as my first effort. The Sprint distances are like 750m swim, 20k bike ride, and a 5k run. The last two distances I am sure that I can do, it's the swimming that is the big unknown. I was super excited to start myself down this path and it has been frustrating, depressing, etc to sit idle for awhile.

Obviously, I am kind of bummed right now over my medical state. When things that you love are taken away from you, you really find out how much you miss them and how big a part of your life they have become. The challenge will be filling that hole in my day and the sense of daily accomplishment that completing a, ass kicking Spin class or a muscle depleting lifting routine brings. Hopefully, this all passes quickly...