Thursday, January 12, 2012

Post Holiday report

Did you know, that the average weight gain over the holidays is 5 pounds?  Like many of you I added some weight on over the feeding season.  I personally think that it is pointless to fight it this time of year.  There are to many parties, family dinners, and Christmas cookies.  Amazingly, I almost completely abstained from cookies, almost.  So the progress I was beginning to make got squashed, but the frustrating thing is that up until the last day or so nothing had been coming back off even though I have decided to get very strict with my diet, I even decided to stop drinking.  I allow myself two "cheats" per week and typically that is a Wednesday visit to Chipotle, I can't help it I am addicted, and a going out dinner on Saturday.   

I'm not going to bored you with weekly updates anymore, more than likely I will keep it to monthly reports unless I got something fun to share.  So this weigh in was 285, which is a ten pound drop since getting back in this struggle.  The goal is still 65 pounds away and I'm back to 40 pounds lost.

Many peeps have asked me if I have any big events planned for this upcoming year, and I can only answer that I'm not 100% sure.  My main goal and focus is to lose weight and to stay injury free for the year.  I would like to run a couple of triathlons again, but only if I can get healthy and fit enough.  Until I drop a lot more poundage it won't be my main concern.  I managed to miss out on signing up for Tough Mudder 3 because I procrastinated and they sold out before I signed up.  There are some serious goals I have in the mind for the future; half marathon, bigger and bigger tri's etc.  But it is all backburner stuff, I need to manage to lose weight without the need of some crazy event goal to motivate me.

As for the depression thing I dropped on you last time, I wanna thank everyone who PM'd me (private message for you techno-phobes) offering support and opening up to me about your own struggles.  I haven't been as bad this week, but the last month has been emotionally draining.  Unfortunately, I have been going 100 m.p.h. the past few weeks with so little time to seek the help I probably should get.  Things look like they are going to settle down now so hopefully I can make time in the near future.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
~Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.~