Friday, July 30, 2010

The Project: RELOADED

After FINALLY getting medically cleared last Friday, and another trip to OCMD, it was time to get back on the horse that is Project Downsize Duff. Unfortunately, with that medical clearance came the inevitable return to work, BOOOO work. I've decided to rename the blog because it's how I see this new chapter of my journey (and it's a cheesy rip-off of the Matrix's second movie title). I have strayed from my path and need refocusing. More to the point, I am going to go back to writing every week so it is kind of like I am starting over, except I'm sixty pounds lighter this time. I do not know if it is mere coincidence or not but since I went to randomly reporting on my progress things have slowed and regressed. Yes, I have the concussion to thank for two months of inactivity, but that doesn't explain me filling the back seat with fast food bags over the past couple of months. Maybe this blog really was keeping on the straight and narrow by forcing me to account for my progress or lack of it every week. Without out this outlet, maybe I drove by a McD's and thought "Meh, who care's if I gain a pound or two this week I just won't write about it and they'll never know." Well, I have let myself go sideways for long enough so I've reloaded the project and plan to begin anew. The goals and promises are the same, I'm gonna lose 100 lbs and I'm gonna tell you all about it. Hopefully, it helps us all stay focused on our future.

So The Project: RELOADED got off to a slow start, I totally overslept Monday morning and missed Spin class, but never fear I did manage to get to the gym and do a little of what I do. I am still in caution mode at the gym. As per the advice of the neurologist I am avoiding heavy lifting, there is too much of an internal pressure build up when going heavy and the last time I tried to lift more than light weight I got really woozy (medical term :D) and spent that next day feeling bad. So no 1000 lb leg presses for a bit longer, instead I am trying to concentrate on light weights and controlled range of motion type stuff. Also as much as I can handle, I am trying to get back into my full cardio regiment which is mostly Spin-Run-Spin. I was so happy to get back into my cycling shoes and into class. It was great to see the familiar faces that I had missed over the last two months. Now I'm not gonna lie, I felt out of shape real quick, and needed to back off a lot more than I thought I would in order to get through the class. This should have been expected but it still did dent the ego. I believe that I had become one of the stronger riders in the classes I attend and it was hard to believe that on two months off took that much away. Maybe I'm being a little too hard on myself.

It was definitely a little more difficult getting back into my routine than I had thought. Between the continuous battery lifting at work and my trying to get back to normal gym levels, I managed to wear myself down pretty quick by mid-week. I assumed that I could get back into my routine quickly but I guess it's gonna take a little more patience than I had hoped. From a diet stand-point I did pretty well going back to my 6 meals a day eating routine. I had a couple small cheats but they were more because of the lack of energy I felt from maybe overdoing things.

As a result of this decent restart I managed to drop 2 pounds from Monday morning when I weighed in after Spin today. My current weight is 262, which makes for a total loss of 60 since the beginning. Yes, I have gained 20 pounds since the beginning of May, but we're not gonna look back and bemoan these past three months. Much of what happened was out of my control so we won't mention the gain anymore. I'm 42 pounds from the my goal, let's restart there!

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