Friday, March 25, 2011

The March Update

Finally had a little free time to right, yes I have been that busy, as I await to go to work. Weighed in at 264 this morning, which is good news, as this last month has been a real bummer when it comes to dropping any weight. Despite working out 6-10 hours per week (all cardio) I haven't had much luck getting the weight loss thing rolling like before. I have some pretty good ideas as to why and this week's loss confirms my suspicions. Lately, there has been a struggle for me to avoid eating after work (11p.m.) and sometimes those eats are really way out of line. Personally, I don't prescribe to the thinking that you shouldn't eat after a certain time at night. The thinking is that when you are asleep, you are body is at rest and you will not process the food as well and as such it will be stored as fat. But our bodies are always working even during sleep and since using the 6 small meals a day strategy, I have always ate late. The trick is to eat much more conservatively for that last meal. Here lies the problem that I've been fighting, I will, after work, frequent a place like Sheetz or even a Burger King. Sometimes it is just the stresses of work and my situation there that bring me down enough that I desire happiness, and the most efficient way to satisfy the ache is a quick stop on the way home. Truth be told, as my diet has gone, for me to eat a burger or a grilled chicken sub isn't really all that bad IF I only eat that, but those trips after work often include fries and a coke or a bag of salt & vinegar chips and a candy bar. What is worse though about those little points of weakness is the timing of those meals. If I were to cheat like that during the day, my typical daily activities would balance the scales by burning those calories off, but when consumed late at night they sit there like a lead weight. It is just to much food before bed, and it is a habit I MUST break.

A lot of cool things have happened since my last report. The swimming is really starting to progress. I swam my first non-stop 100 yards and after this past week's lesson, I think that I am finally starting to "get it." Being calm and relaxed in the water makes the biggest difference. There is a long way to go from an endurance standpoint as I need to be able to swim a 1/2 mile in the ocean in three months.....OH didn't I tell you ;P I signed myself up for a TRIATHLON! Yup, 1/2 mile swim-14 mile bike- 3.2 mile run that's where I'm taking Project Downsize to next. Assateague Island is the location and it is on Sunday of Father's Day weekend. When I signed up I had no idea that it was going to be Father's Day, and to be quite honest I don't know how I feel about it. Obviously, Father's Day was gonna be a rough one this year, but to do something like run my first triathlon on my first Father's Day without a father has churned up a lot of emotion and I anticipate it being worse that day. Okay, so to get away from that sadness, since I need to bike 14 miles I went out and bought a brand spanking new Fuji road bike, which I have named Kick Ass. This thing is so ridiculously light and fast, now all I need is some better weather.

So there is lots and lots of training to be done in the next three months, oh and the Tough Mudder is in April as well can't wait to jump in that 50 degree water (sarcasm).....

My free time has expired so I must go!

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