Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Mission, The Goal, The Reason

Welcome to my first ever attempt at a blog. So my apologies if it isn't the prettiest thing you've ever seen.

This is Project Downsize Duff. The point of the project is to report and track the progress of my weight loss goal. Also this will serve as a little extra motivation since I will be letting everyone into my world. To quit once this is posted and out there for you to read will be embarrassing.

As most of you know or remember I am they type person who loves to enjoy myself A LOT. Moderation is not a word that could ever have described me. I love eating out, I love cooking new foods, I LOVE drinking yummy beers (how I'll miss you Victory Brewing Company), I love gambling, and I loved anything that entertained me enough to forget about life. This lifestyle has had a few bad side effects. Worst of all it has led me to become huge. Now I have always been a big guy, but I always carried it well and most could never believe I weighed what I weighed. Which was all well and good, but it created negative reinforcement.

A few weeks ago I got a little inspiration from a friend to change things up. So I joined a gym with the intentions of getting a little exercise in just to feel better. The first thing I did was to step on their scale. I was shocked at the reading of 320 pounds. Absolutely shocked! I have hovered near 300 pounds for a few years but seeing 320 was plain bad. If I didn't commit to doing something about this it would be a matter of time until I was at 350 or worse, and then probably dead.

So you know the mission of this blog and the reason for it, but now you need the goal. I wouldn't bother you with tiny goal like "I wanna lose 30 or 40 pounds." Oh no...I have set a much loftier goal. It is my intention to lose 100 pounds by my next birthday! Interestingly enough my birthday is 2/20 which will be my weight, 220 pounds, when I succeed. Hence the motto for the project is, "220 by 2/20." I have 33 weeks until my birthday, from when I started, so I will need to average 3 pounds a week. Is this a crazy unattainable goal? Maybe, but I don't think so. I know it won't be easy at all. There are a ton of obsticles that I will need to overcome. I am more than hopeful that I will have the self determination and the drive to make it to the end of the journey successful.

Feel free to check back often to see how I'm doing or to add a little inspiration or well wish. I hope to post a weekly report of my success with maybe some inspiration for you as well.

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