Monday, July 13, 2009

Week One in the Books

Completed my first full week of Project Downsize Duff and the result is very good. 6 pounds lost in week one!

I know I can't expect that kind of result every week but I do expect it for a few weeks. My "diet" plan has been to eat 6 small meals ever 3 hours or so. It works out to be pretty close to a 2000 calorie diet. The small meal idea came from when I was following The Body-For-Life program. I dropped 55 pounds back in 1999-2000 on that plan. The process is suppose to help boost up one's metabolism helping increase weight loss.

I did a bit of websurfing and WebMD tells me that my Basal Metabolic Rate is like 2700 calories. The fact that I'm at a daily deficit of 700 calories and two workouts daily, I should be able to keep a good pace up.

Even though it was the first week I was able to get to the gym everyday and got a well paced walk in before work most days. Spending 30 mins on the stationary bike and another 45min - 1hr lifting. As the week's progress I should be able to get better lifting routines done, right now its only a couple exercises per day.

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