Friday, October 23, 2009


Wow 16 weeks have blown by so fast. I know, I know its not Monday, and where the hell was last week's update? Well, I've been busy with a home improvement project all week and I didn't get to the gym at all to even get a weigh in done. Still getting in the AM runs, except for those mornings following Phillies games. I'm updating today because I am off to DC to support my friend at her marathon, and to celebrate the midway point and my 50th pound!!! There will be some cheating for sure, my 12 week sobriety stretch ends when I get down there. Don't worry I am not jumping off the bandwagon, I'm merely getting off to stretch my legs for a weekend. When I get back we are right back on it. I'm leaving Saturday and coming home Monday, pending funeral plans for my Grandmom. So I needed to get the weigh in done before I go because I don't want to know how bad this weekend ends up being, I likely won't step onto a scale for a couple of weeks so I don't frustrated.

So without further ado, the scale read 270!!!!!!!!!! Grand total of 52 pounds in 4 months!!!!!!!! I am still on pace to make the goal of 220 by 2/20! I anticipate that during the second half that it will be harder to shed the other 50 pounds that I am gonna lose. 16 weeks to go and 50 pounds that's averaging slightly more that 3lbs per week, its gonna be hard to say the least, but my work schedule will slow up soon and I will be able to amp up the gym stuff when it does.

I've been really trying to wrap my head around how much weight 50 pounds really is lately. I jokingly made the comment that I have lost a small child worth of weight. which was a goofball way of saying I lost a lot. But when my brother's 5 yr old son, Noah, was here at the house I threw him on the house scale and he weighed 50 pounds. So I indeed have lost a small child!!! Looking at it from that perspective or any others like a bag of rock salt worth, just floors me! It is no wonder that I feel so much better already, more energy, less worn down, etc. I cant wait to see what a 220 pound guy feels like!

What I would love to do is go to the Doc and get the usual blood work done to see how all of those numbers have changed. Cuz if my cholesterol isn't down I may have to write those Cheerios folks! I've eaten Cheerios for breakfast (no sugar added just plain Cheerios) almost everyday since the start of this thing. However, since I am one of the millions of Americans that can't afford health insurance I will have to hold off on that.

What I have become so proud of at this point is my determination and commitment to see this thing through and make real changes for myself. I've learned quite a bit about who I was and who I am striving to be, and I am fighting through some tough moments that could have derailed the train.

The next couple of months I am gonna try to concentrate on some heavier lifting to improve strength, especially some of my weaker areas like my shoulders. With that, I sorta expect a slow down in the weight loss pace as muscle mass increases (hopefully). So I am setting the next mini goal to be for the weight by Thanksgiving to be in the 250's, ie at least 11 pounds in 4 weeks. I know that is off the pace but after about6-8 weeks of hard lifting I will go back a more cardio base workout routine in order to shred the last bit of weight.

Hopefully, in the next few days I can get a few good pics of me (and maybe my 50lb nephew) to post to the blog so you all can see the before and midway me's.

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