Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 17:

First time on the scale since the halfway celebration, not good news but I was expecting it. Weigh in today was 274. That puts me up 4 pounds since that last weigh in. Like I said I kinda expected it to happen. I didn't have a bad week dieting last week but all the rain and my grandma's passing really crimped the workouts and the work week. I burn a lot of calories just doing what I do and last week was a whopping 11 hour pay week, so don't ask to borrow money from me anytime soon. I also switched up the gym routine last week and with that the cardio type lifting workouts have been replaced with just heavier lifting. Factor that in with the crappy weather and I hardly got any cardio work in last week. Been a bit lethargic lately too, don't know if its the weather, the changing of the seasons, the shorter days, or the late nights staying up to watch the Phils, but I can't seem to get my butt outta bed right now in the morning.

Well this is a new week and we'll get back on track!

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