Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Week 25/26:

Sorry I missed last week's blog. I was just short on time last week, I know that's a bad excuse. And sorry for the tardiness of this one...I started my 2nd shift job and I haven't gotten the time management thing down yet.

Damn the holidays:
I am sick and tired of the holidays! Long weekends and holiday meals are wrecking my pace!!! If you can't guess by those statements, I didn't have a very good weigh in this week. The stupid scale showed 270lbs, which is a FOUR pound gain from last report, EXPLICATIVE DELETED.... It's not rocket science to figure out why this has happened, with these long 3 or 4 day weekends I've had more free time thus more opportunities to cheat a little here and there. Boredom is one of my biggest enemies when it comes to dieting. If I'm sitting around on a Friday or Saturday night with nothing to do it is so easy for me to go out and grab a bite to eat for supper rather than stay home and eat a normal diet meal. I don't always eat things like cheesesteaks or pasta alfredo when I go out but it is usually a way bigger portion than I need. There is something about going out to eat that eases my boredom, its kind of odd since eating isn't exactly exciting. So with all these days off I will admit that I have cheated more these last few weeks than I have this entire Project. I also had a relapse with my fast food addiction. This is another thing I truly can't explain because I can make a WAY better burger than Ronald, Wendy or The King, and my fresh cut fries fried crispy with Old Bay are the shizznit, lol! So why is fast food such a hard addiction to kick? I think they add crack to the beef!

New Years Resolution:
So here is my one and only resolution for the new year, I will NOT eat fast food again until I am at my goal weight of 220 lbs!! I typically hate making resolutions because they typically turn out to be empty words said by people who think that they want to make some kind of change and believe that by uttering them right after the calendar turns that they are somehow going to magically come true. If you truly want to make a change, stop talking about it, get up off your ass and make it happen. I don't care if it is your job situation, weight, loneliness, whatever....hoping it will happen won't make it happen. There are tons of quotes that use hope and can be inspirational. I have found two that help me keep pushing. "Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality." What I take from this is that just believe that you can do whatever it is you are striving for and know that as long as you keep believing, you will find a way to get there. The second, “Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of man” Now this may seem like it is a little counter-productive to what I am saying but what I read from this quote is that if all you plan to do to make a change is hope that something will happen, then all you will do is hope and your condition will never change. So don't make resolutions MAKE CHANGES!

Dealing with insecurity:
With the crappy weigh in, I actually weigh more Saturday morning, and all my free time I had one terrible weekend. Woke up with a splitting headache Saturday, still sober on this 12 week promise NYE didn't foil that promise so it wasn't a hangover. Boredom set in and I tried to cure it by chatting with my female friend, who I went on that first date 8 years in the waiting I told you about. She didn't return my txt which is kinda unusual cuz even when she's grumpy she typically responds and she tells me she's grumpy and not in to talking. So because I'm tired, bored and feeling crappy my mind begins to wonder if I did something to piss her off. Here comes the ole insecurity nightmare...The last time we had talked up to then was the day before NYE, I had emailed her about something that she had said that confused me a bit so I asked for clarification. She responded and I detected no annoyance in the tone of the email. So the no reply to the txt really began to plague me throughout the weekend and I am almost certain it was all a creation of the insecurity issue I still fight. I got real mopey and depressed as the day progressed. I really do like this girl and hope something can come out of our friendship. We have had troubles getting together for a second date mainly because of bad timing and these damn holidays. I have mentioned to her that I'm trying to be patient about the whole no second date thing, probably a couple more times than I should have. But it's frustrating from my end to not be able to squeeze myself into her busy schedule. Then I wonder if she is really interested in pursuing anything with me since she's not going out of her way to somehow squeeze me in. Which I know is all crap, its just bad timing! All this kind of thinking made my day worse and worse. Anyways,there is nothing worse than needing assurance from people that everything is alright, especially girls that you are interested in. I know that it is not an attractive trait. I have learned that it isn't always about me, but could be something going on the other side of the relationship. But that hasn't stopped me from letting the problem get me down from time to time. It pains me to write all this out because I know she reads my blog and it sucks to have that exposed. But I promised when I started this blog that I was not gonna hold back for any reason. Bottom line having insecurity problems SUCKS! I really don't know how anyone can ever overcome them completely because I think it is something that becomes a part of you. You grow these problems through early life experience and unless your world does a complete 180 I don't think those experiences ever go away. I think I am getting better at managing my problem. I haven't sent the "did I do something wrong that you're not responding?" txt msg, even though I haven't talked to her in a bit. I still have a hard time keeping the thought of doing so out of my head.

On a much less depressing note, I went to my first Spin class today. It was awful, lol, awfully difficult. I am so sore right now, but it will be worth it once spring comes around and its time to get the mt bike out!

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