Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 29: No drama

Sorry, there'll be no drama in this week's edition of the blog. I think I've learned my lesson last week what I should and shouldn't share with you all here. It took a long time for me to settle down and snap out of that mess, I am not completely over what transpired but I'm slowly putting it behind me. I am sorry that any of you had to read that, if you know me even the slightest bit you know that is not who I am. I don't know if I had ever been that angry before, ever and afterward I was so upset at myself. There was so much hurt and disappointment in how I felt immediately following her email that I just let hate fly. I really felt different about this girl, to me there was a connection with her that I can't explain other than to say that everything felt right when I was with her or talking to her. I guess it was a one sided feeling, oh well, there's no point in dwelling on it anymore cuz I'm pretty sure I've torched that bridge forever.

As for the weigh in, I came in at 258 this week which is a pound lighter than last. Not a real surprise since I spent the better part of the week laying in bed moping over my poor behavior. The grand total at this point is 64 pounds. With 4 more weigh ins before my birthday it is pretty safe to say that I'm not getting to 220 by then. If I could pull off the 240's by 2/20 I would be extremely pleased. Not that I'm disappointed by my progress to this point but I want to keep it in mind that the goal is 220 and not to settle where I am because I'm happy that I dropped the 60+ pounds. The truth is I'm not even close to satisfied with where I'm at. There is still a whole lot squishy from the ribs down to me bum that needs to disappear. Beach season's 4 months away!

Thanks to all of you who posted on Fb, txt'ed, or talked with me during those few really bad days. It is truly great to know that you have people who care about you enough to take time to try to make you feel better when you are at your lowest.

Just a little quote I found -
"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that is true strength."

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