Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 33/34

Sorry I had the intention of writing Friday, but my days seem to be short a few hours lately. Anyway, I weighed in on Friday and we did it, we cracked the 250 barrier...stepped on the scaled and slid the big block out to the 250 mark and the needle said I had to much weight on the scale, and the big smile came on my face as I slid the big block back to the 200 mark, hahaha bye bye 250! Now of course the needle immediately slams up because now we must slide the little block way out to the end. We stop at 249 and the needle levels out. So here I am at 249 pounds, just 29 away from the big goal. The total loss is now at a staggering 73 pounds. I thought about that a lot this weekend, and went back to the idea proposed by Dan DeLong to put the weight I lost into a backpack and lug it around for a bit. Well I didnt have anything that I could fit into a backpack that weighed 73 pounds so I just started to think about what would weigh 73 pounds. 4.5 full size bowling balls, two of those water cooler water bottles (each nearly ful), my 6 yr old nephew Noah holding a newborn twins, a quarter-barrell of your favorite adult beverage, and so on. When you start putting it into perspective it's pretty scary how fat I was.

Thanks to all who posted on my before and after pics on Fb. If you missed the photos go here. I wish I was in a better place to appreciate all of your positive words a little more, but I'm not. It is hard to believe that I could be appathetic about losing nearly 75 pounds and looking so much better, but I'm just not shaking my current mood. It sucks to feel this way but I'm working on it. Hopefully the coming of Spring and some warm sunshine helps. Maybe I will elaborate some more when I feel a little more comfortable about talking about it.

Just so I don't end on a down note: I am into my third full week of training for The Tough Mudder. I've ran more in the past three weeks than I have in the past 8 years total. hahaha.... The training plan has me running three times a week, slowly increasing my distances in order to get me close to the 7 miles needed for the Mudder. Sundays are when I run a greater distance and this week I was slated to run 3 miles, I went to the Body Zone and got on the treadmill and started going. When I got to mile 3 I decided I was feeling to good to stop and figured I'd keep running until I really started to feel tired. I got to mile 4 before I started to sense a little fatigue so I figured that it would be a good time to start backing down and ran another 1/4 mile during my cool down. Total distance ran 4.3 miles, I still can't believe I ran that. guess we'll try for 5 next Sunday.

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