Saturday, August 21, 2010

First week back

Beside the broken pinky toe, life almost seemed normal for once. Oh, and if you are wondering, I regularly destroy those toes so this is a normal pain I suffer with. Any who, while talking to one of my gym friends, I realized that it has been nearly 3 months that my world has been out of whack. June 1st was the concussion and things haven't been right since. That is a quarter of the year wasted (by that I mean being unable to progress with my goals). It has been very hard to deal with being forced to basically do nothing to say the least. But today the gym friend said something to me that gave me a glimmer of hope that life is returning to normal. She simply said, "You look so much better today." I think it was mostly a comment about my post-virus appearance because she also comment on how I have a much healthier color in my face and that even though I was back on Monday she could tell that I was still pretty worn down just by how I looked. I couldn't agree with her more, Monday and Tuesday were real struggles at work and at the gym. Even though I took it real easy at the gym both of those days, I felt really worn out and weak. That feeling carried on into work both evenings. However, as the week progress I definitely felt stronger and today was a real solid workout.

Following today's workout I weighed in and the scale showed 255. That is an 8 pound gain from last week's drained/dehydrated weigh in. I'm not upset at all with that result, mostly because I expected it to happen. My hope was to contain the amount gained as my body craved all those lost calories. To be very honest, I didn't eat very well most of the week. I've had some odd periods of feeling jittery and having shaky hands so I've add more sugar because it almost seems like a low blood suger thing and I'm wondering if it's a residual effect from the illness. I've never had this sort of problem and my blood sugar tests have come back just fine so I don't expect it to remain an issue as I get healthier. Hopefully, I can get my crap together and get the eating routine back on track next week. 255 is a good place to start from, I lost 9 pounds since the "Reloading" most of that due to the sickness, but I'll take the jump-start and role with it.

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