Friday, August 27, 2010


KNOCK ON WOOD! I think I just had a pretty normal week. No dizziness, no rare or bizarre illnesses, no new injuries,....just: wake up, go to gym, other stuff, go to work, shower, sleep, repeat. WA-HOO!

In all seriousness it was nice to feel like things were normal. Weighed in today at 255, which is a standstill from last week's result. I am fine with holding steady as I get back into my routine. Hopefully, the toe soon stops hurting enough that I'm able to get back to running regularly. I'm going to give Spin a try on Monday and that will be a pretty go indicator as to how healthy my brain is feeling because it is the most challenging thing I do at the gym. Fingers are crossed for sure.

It was good fun to see some faces from the past at the 20th class reunion. It is very hard to believe that it has been twenty years, especially because I don't feel a day over 30, but sadly it is true that we are getting old. Although I must say, I was quite surprised at how great most looked. I thought we all could pass for earlier thirties easily!

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