Thursday, September 2, 2010

Yeah I know its not Friday....

but I'm leaving for OCMD right after I gym it up tomorrow morning. I don't care what Earl's doing, I'm going! So I come to you a day early with the update because blogging while driving is illegal in 36 of the 52 states. (that is a joke, I cannot verify that statement)

Not much to report as I once again weighed in at 255. I am finally settling back into my routine and have been getting better at curbing most food urges. The only big news of the week is that I finally got back in Spin class, had to cheat a little but I got through it. When I get back from OCMD it will be time to really get after the whole weight loss thing. I picked up a vegetarian cookbook and the plan is to give a vegetarian diet a shot. Some of the reading that I have done lately has really tainted my view of the industrialized production of our meats and the health consequences of them. A vegetarian diet also offers a much lower fat diet which hopefully will help trim the last 30 or so pounds off. I'm still not sure how I am going to take to the veggie diet because I ain't gonna lie, I love beef....a thick cut New York Strip cooked to perfection over charcoal with the right blend of spices makes me start drooling at just the thought. So we shall see how it goes.

Now remember last week when I said about having a normal week? No injuries, etc? Weeeeelllll, apparently my desk which I am reporting to you from is not actually made of wood (reference to the Knock on Wood thing) because that night (Friday last week) I managed to squash a finger between two car batteries at work and BOY DID IT GET FAT AND PURPLE. It still hurts a bit but it fortunately was on that useless ring finger. Oh well, at least I almost went a week without an injury.

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