Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm Done Here

I am putting an end to blogging for awhile, probably a long while, as I decided that I am no longer gonna continue to spew the miserable accounts of my current mood/situation here or on facebook. It was never my intention to use this blog to bitch and moan about my life. This past year has been difficult to say the least and maybe it is fair to say that I am allowed to complain, but after events that occurred this week it is plain to me that nothing productive is coming from using my blog as a place to whine and that it has probably become tiresome for some of you to read. I am fully aware that some of you have had bigger struggles and that we ALL have our struggles that we deal with daily. I don't want to seem like I think that my problems are bigger than yours by transcribing them for you anymore. Furthermore, it was never my intention to inspire anyone with what I was doing and in a way I feel that I am letting you down as I have lost most of the fight that was within me when I started this all. I don't know how this blog morphed into more than a weekly diet journal and became something larger than anticipated. I wish I could turn the switch and be back to the happy, more driven Duff, but the wind has been taken out of those sails and every time I feel like I get it back something comes up that ruins it. I am trying to heed my own advice and break my goals down into smaller incremental tasks but I am struggling to go a week without cheating in some way or another and it has gotten incredibly frustrating to update you with failure.

I am going to continue to pursue that goal that I have set for myself, and it is still my intention to enter a triathlon next spring. However, for now, I have bigger fish to fry. I also don't expect to be spending much time on FB anymore either but you can still get in touch with me via FB since I still have it forwarding stuff to my regular email addy.

So for the last time, I weighed in at the doctor's office today at 267. Still short of the goal by 47, but a loss of 55 pounds since the start. I am proud of what I've been able to accomplish and it gives me the confidence that I can do what is necessary to reach my goal, but right now I have a bigger fight I need to focus on.

Thank you for caring enough to tag along throughout this journey. Best of wishes to you all.


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