Monday, July 20, 2009

Week 2: Update

It's Monday so it's weigh in day again. Got to the gym this evening, stepped onto the scale and was pleasently surprised by the number of 312. That makes a two week total of 10 pounds, and that makes 10 of the 100 we're aiming for.

I'm not surprised that I could pull off a 4 pound week. What surprised me was that I took the weekend off to go to the shore and lost two pounds even though I had a few adult beverages and didn't care too much about what I ate. Thursday night was my last workout before leaving for Ocean City and I stepped on the scale after that workout and it read 314.

This is a pretty good sign. It likely means that the six small portioned meals a day diet has already begun to kick my metabolism into gear. I was expecting it to take a little longer. If my metabolism is starting to amp up, I can feel a little more confident about taking the occasional day off. It's always good to incorporate a "cheat day" so that you don't feel as guilty if you are craving something. Chicken Wings, a cheesesteak, whatever you miss, take the occasional day to satisfy those urges. I've seen so many people give up on diets because they have a bad day and they get the mindset "well I screwed up my diet today I might as well blow the weekend off." Next thing ya know they're back to having McDonald's for lunch every other day. What happened to me the time I dropped a lot of weight before was I started to crave those things a lot less often.

THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY: I spent the week tracking my intake of calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbs, and protein every meal, and compared my daily totals to the Daily Recommended Value based on a 2000 calories diet. The good result is that I am either well below or even with the DRV for calories, total fat, sat fat, cholesterol, and proteins. The bad result is that 3 of the last 7 days my carb count was above the DRV, not terribly off but still have to try better. The ugly result was that my sodium intake was way over the DRV some days nearly double. I've looked into why this is and the biggest culpret is my lunch which is typically a lunchmeat sandwich. I will have to look to see if I can find lower sodium bread and meats.

Going to the shore was a good time as usual. I was a little apprehensive about going as there is nothing healthy about me going there. Kirby's Pub in OCMD makes the best burgers and has a wing sauce that is mmmmmm...Then there are the beverages and girls at Seacrets and Fager's Island. Maybe the chickies can notice a new Duff brewing (haha not a beer joke) as he talked to a few young cuties at Seacrets. It is good to have my baby face, even the really young girls only think that I'm 28. :)

Making a goal of 5 more pounds for next week. Since there are no plans to go to the shore until the last weekend of July I have another 12 days to really work the number down. A pound a day until the gets me to 300. We'll see how things go.

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