Monday, August 3, 2009

The first month is in the books

A warning before reading this; I was a little tired when I wrote tonight. There were serious issues with spelling and coherent sentence making. I hope I was able to make enough sense that you can understand what is below.

28 days have past since I've embarked on this quest for a better mind, body and soul. I am seeing the results of my hard work starting to peek through the globs of fat. I can see some definition showing in the bicep/tricep area, no sign of those abs yet, lol. It's pretty amazing what just a little success can breed. I definitely can tell that my posture has changed. When I'm standing in front of a mirror, my chest isnt sagging and my still big gut is sucked in, well it is a little. As the first four weeks have come to a close I stepped on the scale and was a bit disappointed to see that I lost nothing this week. A big fat 0 for the week. Still weigh 305.

Since I'm addicted to the scale right now, I know this is a bad habit but I can stop, I knew this wasn't going to be a good week. I had actually gained 4 pounds early in the week, and I had checked my past days food intake and saw that nothing had changed that would have casued this gain. I didn't even take a cheat night last week. I DID have a bad weekend this week, I extended my "cheat" to both Friday and Saturday nights. Adult beverages were consumed, too many on Saturday. While I have no scientific proof, I surmised that I gained this weight likely by increased muscle mass or last week number may have been a bit skewed by some other variable. Even though I didn't lose any weight this week I did notice this morning that I could pound a new hole in my work belt as it has loosened up by about an inch. So I'm not discouraged at all by the weigh in. For the month it is a total loss of 17 pounds which means I'm still over the 3 pounds per week pace that I will need to keep to get to 220.

Now that month one is done I decided to change the program up a little. About 7 years ago when I dropped nearly 50 pounds I did it with the help of "The Body-For-Life" program. I had been lifting for a few months and wasn't dropping any weight. So I went to GNC to see if there were any dietary supplementation that I could take that would spur on some weight loss. The employee there asked me about my diet and I told him that it wasnt the best, and he recommended that I pick up the "Body-For-Life" book before going the supplement route. So I did just that, I drove over to Barnes & Noble and bought it. When I got home I read it cover to cover and really thought that it made so much sense and it was very simple as well. I had great results in 12 weeks! I weighed 245 when I was done with the "challenge." Of course, shortly after the completion of that "challenge" is when I had a bit of a medical issue that really threw me off course and back on track to fat city. Well since the first month is over I decided to go back to the "Body-for-Life" program, and start another 12 week challenge. I bought the new "Body-for-Life" book, I suggest the you buy the original first since the second book is a lot more about some of the past champions of the program. Since I'm already eating the 6 meals a day, the only difference is the training. You go Upperbody lifting, Cardio, Lowerbody lifting, Cardio, repeat. The lifting routines are done at a very quick pace making them cardio workouts as well and you only do two exercises per body part. It is a very exhausting workout to say the least. If you are looking to change your body this is a very effective tool and I do suggest it.

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